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Women's Workout Mission Dry Athletic T-Shirt

Price: $20.00
Secured by PayPal

Product Description:

  • 3.8-ounce, 100% cationic polyester to keep you dry
  • Gently contoured silhouette
  • Removable tag for comfort
  • Slight scoop neck
  • Double-needle sleeves and hem

Your purchase supports individuals with Autism

All Workout Mission athletic t-shirts are printed by Spectrum Designs, a company which employs only individuals with Autism and similar developmental disabilities. By purchasing a Workout Mission t-shirt, you’re helping to provide these individuals with a meaningful trade, gainful employment, independence and an improved quality of life.

Watch a video of Spectrum Designs in action.

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New Users

By documenting each day you workout and donating one dollar each time you exercise to your chosen Mission (charity), you help yourself stay physically fit while at the same time helping others in real need. A win for you, a win for others.

How it Works
  1. Set the minimum number of workouts you would like to complete each week.
  2. Select one of the five Current Missions (charities) that will be linked to each workout. You can change your Mission at any time.
  3. Enter each workout into your Workout Calendar. A workout can be anything you determine, including running, tennis, brisk walking, biking, lifting weights and much more.
  4. After 10 completed workouts, you can celebrate your strength by donating one dollar per workout to your selected Mission. All donations made through Workout Mission are to 501(c)3 nonprofits and are 100% tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
  5. Once the overall Mission goal has been achieved, you will receive a Mission Success email and a new Mission will be added to the list of active Missions for you to choose from.
  6. Feel Happy. You've helped yourself stay fit and shared your strength with others.